OS X Connection Throttling Script

Several years ago I wrote a small AppleScript application for connection throttling to put in the system bar. It wasn't large, and would have been way more simple as a BASH script, but gave me and my coworkers an easy way to test different connection speeds on our OS X computers with just a few clicks.

Just recently one of my friends, who was one of those coworkers, sent me an email asking if I still had that script. Well sure I do! ... now where did I put it?

In the end it took only three searches, because I remembered just enough details to narrow it down and find one tiny file out millions of small files backed up. I remembered it was written in AppleScript, and I don't write or use a lot of those scripts, so I started there.

$ find . | grep -i applescript

Well, that found many interesting things, including helper scripts from backups of PhotoShop, but not what I wanted.

$ find . | grep -i osascript

Found nothing. Oh yeah, that's the command to run AppleScript from the command line, but is not going to be part of the file name. D'oh! What's the file extension for these scripts? Oh yeah...

$ find . | grep '\.scpt$'

Found only 93 items, and lo and behold one stood out immediately, "Limit Bandwidth.scpt"

Limit Bandwidth.scpt

To make the best use of this script, follow these steps.

When it comes to data, I find it is important to keep just about everything. Yes, I'm a hoarder when it comes to data, but if you keep that data secured and indexed well enough and if you make sure things are labeled in such a way that you're more likely to find something in the future, it really pays off.